Thursday, March 18, 2010

My first blog post... ever! Seriously.

Mmkay... so I'm brand spanking new to writing a blog (plus I'm typing with an injured finger... so please, do forgive my typos!) and am just going to riff randomly for a bit... Will I come up with a topic for this post?  Probably not, but you'll just need to keep on reading to find out, won't you?
My idea for this blog was inspired by my friend Lacey's own blog about her adventures being a gourmet.  While she was visiting me this week, she suggested that I be a guest blogger for her since I am *ahem* a noted food expert.  And I thought - ooo, I should just make my own blog - and here we are.  My aforementioned friend Lacey has been visiting me this week, and one evening, tonight actually, we were planning a quiet night in, and chips and salsa were a must.  So, at the grocery store we got chips and she reached for the dun Dun DUN! jarred salsaNow, don't get me wrong, storebought salsa can be handy, and damn tasty - but why buy it when you can just make it.
Ooo - random yet slightly connected tangent!  We were wandering around the produce section getting ingredients for the aforementioned salsa when my friend mentioned something about loving avocados.  I suggested that we make guacamole as well.  To this she said - she didn't like guacamole...  Wtf?  They're almost one and the same - guac's just avocados with a few extra things added in.  So my mission for the evening: make the best damn guacamole ever and convert my nonbelieving friend.  Mission accepted - stay tuned for the results!

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